Wednesday 12 November 2008

"Something Is Rotten In The State Of Jersey/West Yorkshire/Haringey!

Shakespeare's oft quoted text from Hamlet, Act I, Scene 4 referred to the State of Denmark and was a general indictment of corrupt goings on. It would now seem that we as humans should be pointing the same finger of shame whilst questionning just what on earth in the name of humanity certain individuals in Jersey, West Yorkshire and Haringey have been up to.

In Jersey apparently a £4.5 million police investigation (still supposed to be ongoing) which , supported by scores of people who came forward saying they had been abused at the Haut de la Garenne home between the early 1960s and 1986, has now been completely rubbished by the local authorities.

No surprise given that the original police investigator, Jersey's Deputy Chief Officer Harper, fought a running battle with the Jersey establishment over an alleged cover-up of decades of child abuse, and was ridiculed by several politicians, including a minister who nicknamed him "Lenny Henry".

According to other media reports, in Dewsbury the mother of missing schoolgirl Shannon Matthews "is a liar prepared to give police conflicting accounts in order to gain from a reward offer when in fact she was complicit in drugging and tethering her own daughter in the flat where she was found in March".

For 24 days the girl was tethered to a roofbeam, given ground-up temazepam and seasickness tablets, while her mother went on national television in the role of the stricken parent!

And just when you thought it couldn't get worse, in Haringey the mother of a 17 month old baby, her boyfriend and a lodger have all been convicted at the Old Bailey of causing the infant's death by inflicting more than 50 injuries including a broken back during months of abuse.

Despite 60 visits to the youngster nobody from Haringey Council thought that the injuries were severe enough for him to be removed from the family.

This is more than ROTTEN. What is the matter with these sub-humans? Where is the shame? Where is the culpability?

1 comment:

freddy1 said...

You're right the world has gone mad (well, seemingly the UK anyway), but worse than that no-one really seems to think it at all unusual! Are there still any moral codes or standards out there?